
Our Partners at Final Draft

Written by: InkTip Team
Published: Jul 19, 2024

When Final Draft launched in 1991, it quickly became the leading screenwriting software and the benchmark that all scripts were compared to. Gone were the days of counting Tab buttons to align character dialogue boxes or struggling with parentheticals. Final Draft removed the headache of formatting, allowing writers to focus on the most important part of their scripts – the writing.

In 2005, InkTip became a regular sponsor for Final Draft and their contest: Big Break Screenwriting Contest. InkTip’s unique platform that allows producers access to undiscovered scripts was a perfect prize package for Final Draft’s winners. For almost 20 years, InkTip and Final Draft have worked together to elevate screenwriters in the film industry.

In the winter of 2022, InkTip launched its own screenwriting contest for their InkTip Pro members, the Pitch to Page Screenwriting Contest. Naturally, we reached out to Final Draft to ask if they wanted to be a sponsor. Having Final Draft sponsor the contest is like getting a seal of approval from the authority in screenwriting. Final Draft was our first partner to sign on. Their sponsorship is a perfect match for Pitch to Page as proper screenwriting format is crucial for our contestants.

InkTip’s Pitch to Page Screenwriting Contest is a fresh approach to script competitions. Screenwriters have the unique task of not only needing to write an outstanding script, but they also must pitch that script to potential producers. Only the strongest pitches receive script reads in the film industry. Therefore, Pitch to Page focuses on a holistic approach by identifying the best scripts from "pitch to page." Loglines and synopses are considered with the scripts. Our finalists are writers who excel at all three.

Included in the judging is an evaluation of the script’s formatting. A script that is not properly formatted will not be considered in the film industry and will not advance in Pitch to Page. A writer who uses Final Draft has an advantage over writers who don’t, as Final Draft software is the industry standard for screenplays. Screenwriters who use it present a professional script to potential buyers.

All finalists receive the software as part of their Pitch to Page prize package. Those who didn’t have Final Draft or the latest version now have the tools to improve their screenwriting presentation.

Laura Kemp, the Runner-up finalist for our Thriller contest, won the software as part of her prize package, but she already owned it. Understanding how Final Draft can impact a screenwriter’s profession, she paid it forward. “Because I was fortunate enough to already be using Final Draft in my writing, when I won the additional copy I reached out to InkTip and the folks at Final Draft and asked if I could possibly gift my prize to a disabled veteran who is trying to remake his life as a screenwriter,” Laura said. “All generously agreed, and the recipient was beyond thrilled. He was trying to ‘make do’ with a free but cumbersome version of some web-based software. It was truly a win-win.”

Beyond screenplay formatting, Final Draft includes additional features like Beat Boards, Outline Editor, and dialogue playback. Final Draft 13’s new goal setting feature helps you track your productivity and writing habits. Character development tools help you gauge how much screentime each character has, who they interact with the most, and let’s you assign voices for playback mode.

For beginning screenwriters to experts, Final Draft will help you optimize your writing.