All Writer Services
For over 20 years, InkTip has helped thousands of writers option their scripts, obtain representation, and secure writer-for-hire opportunities. Below are the services writers use to launch their careers.

Premium Services
InkTip Pro Membership
InkTip Pro is a monthly membership for screenwriters wanting to advance their writing careers. As a Pro member, you can make any script
in your Script Library visible for vetted filmmakers and reps to discover. You'll also receive 6+ exclusive pitch requests each week,
allowing you to query filmmakers needing scripts directly. Only InkTip Pro members can enter our contest to win premium prize packages
and have access to our Pitch Kit's Agents & Managers feature.
Cost: $32.50/month. (New Member Special: Your first month of InkTip Pro is 33% off.)
Additional Script Listings for InkTip Pro
If you're an InkTip Pro member, you can increase the number of visible scripts for filmmakers and reps to find.
Cost: $12.50/month per each additional script.
Free Services
Script Library
The Script Library is where you can store your scripts for easy sharing with others. Using our Share Tracker feature, you can send an
InkTip link of your script to readers and track who looks at it. You can store as many scripts in your library as you like.
Share Tracker
Quickly create links that take producers, colleagues, and friends directly to your InkTip script listings in your Script Library.
Easily track and see when they review your logline, synopsis, or script.
Pitch Kit
InkTip provides you with all the templates you need to elevate your pitching. Whether you're composing your query letter or
structuring your synopsis, our Pitch Kit contains the tools you need to improve your ability to hook a producer.
Keep track of all your pitches in one central area. It doesn't matter if you pitch outside of InkTip, from an InkTip newsletter lead, or other means. Stay organized and on top of your submissions.
Short Script Listing
You can list any of your short script loglines for up-and-coming directors and producers to find. It's a great way to start building your network.
InkTip Newsletter
Our newsletter gives you access to one or two script requests per week to pitch to filmmakers, and you'll receive the latest news regarding InkTip
successes, articles, festival and contest information, and more.