Film Commissions
Film Commissions
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Australia and Pacific > Niue
Niue Film Commission
The Niue Film Commission provides free of charge co-ordination and liaison services for visiting film makers. This includes contacting the locations, services providers like accommodation, catering, transport, communications etc. We will also be at the Niue Hanan International Airport to greet and welcome the filming crew on arrival. The Niue Film Commission also provides on part time basis an officer to help support the visiting film makers during their filming in Niue.
Tax exemption may offered on application, this need to be done in advance before the filming crew land on Niue to commence filming.
Tax exemption may offered on application, this need to be done in advance before the filming crew land on Niue to commence filming.
Our main task is to help promote and attract film productions into Niue including the management, monitoring and supervising of film productions operating under the Niue Film Permits issued by the Niue Film Commission.
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