Film Commissions
Film Commissions
Go here to post your Film Commission.
Australia and Pacific > New Zealand
Film Otago Southland
Note: In very limited instances a 5% uplift may be possible.
Note: In very limited instances a 5% uplift may be possible.
Your first point of call for production questions in Southern New Zealand.
New Zealand Film Commission
The New Zealand Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) offers generous grant-based incentives on qualifying productions across a wide range of formats. It is a Government-backed rebate of 20% on Qualifying New Zealand Production Expenditure (QNZPE). This is a grant, not a tax rebate.
The New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) is a crown entity working to grow the New Zealand film industry. NZFC provides information, introductions and support to filmmakers and helps companies seeking to film in New Zealand with everything from locations, incentives, facilities, crews, permits, immigration, taxation, transport and accommodation.
Screen Wellington (formerly Film Wellington)
As per NZ Film Commission
Screen Wellington connects you to the people, tools and expertise you need for your production.
We're available 24/7 and provide free support and advice on filming, location scouting, local crew and business support in Wellington.
We're available 24/7 and provide free support and advice on filming, location scouting, local crew and business support in Wellington.
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