Cynthia G. Neale is a native of the Finger Lakes region of New York and currently resides in New Hampshire. Ms. Neale is the author of 'The Irish Milliner;' Norah: The Making of an Irish-American Woman in 19th-Century New York;' and the young adult novels, 'The Irish Dresser, A Story of Hope during The Great Hunger (An Gorta Mor, 1845-1850' and 'Hope in New York City, The Continuing Story of The Irish Dresser.' The author has created The Irish Dresser Series screenplay, adapted from her four novels. Ms. Neale has also written a dessert and essay book, 'Pavlova in a Hat Box, Sweet Memories & Desserts.' Her current novel, 'Catharine, Queen of the Tumbling Waters, set in colonial times during the French and Indian War and American Revolution is about a real life Native American/French woman. In addition to these works, Ms. Neale writes plays, screenplays, short stories, and essays. She holds a B.A. in Writing and Literature from Vermont College. Ms. Neale enjoys Irish set dancing, ballroom dancing, reading, painting, hiking, and kayaking. An accomplished baker, she also enjoys creating events for food, dance, and fund raising events.
(603) 548-6740
Web Site:
Facebook: Cynthia Neale and Norah: The Making of an Irish-American Woman in 19th-Century New York
Twitter: CynthiaNeale@cynthianeale7
Author's Blog:
2004 to 2018 – speaker and living history presenter at schools, libraries, bookstores, festivals, and conferences
In Progress - Co-author of Transatlantic Tarts, Wee Tales & Recipes by Two Celtic Cake Queens (in progress)
Soon to be Published – Catharine, Queen of the Tumbling Waters
2018 – The Irish Dresser, a screenplay based on four published novels (not produced)
2017 – The Irish Milliner, Fireship Press (historical fiction)
2015 – Pavlova in a Hat Box, Sweet Memories & Desserts (illustrated), Pear Tree Publishing (2017 Finalist in Best Book Awards)
2014 – Flash Fiction Judge – New Hampshire Writers' Project
2013 – Norah, The Making of an Irish-American Woman in 19th-Century New York, Fireship Press (historical fiction)
1999 to 2013 – Loving You in Waltz Hold, romance series, Set Dancing News, Ireland
2010 – Seacoast Writers Association (NH) - Short Fiction Judge
2008 – Hope in New York City, The Continuing Story of The Irish Dresser, White Mane Publishers (historical fiction)
2008 – The Blue Vega, a screenplay (not produced)
2007 – Diamond Juba, a play/musical (not produced)
2006 – The Guided Hike, The East Hampton Star, East Hampton, New York (short story)
2004 - The Irish Dresser, A Story of Hope during The Great Hunger, White Mane Publishers (historical fiction)
2002 - Homing Instinct, AMC Outdoors Magazine, September, 2002 (essay)
2002 - Bob Bikes for Books, New Hampshire Magazine, Oct. 2002 (essay)
2001 and 2002 - grant writer for Hampstead Preservation Committee (awarded two grants)
1999 - My Mother, My Legacy, and Blues Gone Gospel, My Voice, My Spirit, Portsmouth, NH (essay)
1997 - Wrote and directed Indeed the Hunger, a play about Famine Ireland, performed in Rochester and Buffalo, NY
1995 - Silencing the Lamb, political analysis, Liberty Magazine
1994 to 1996 - owner and creator of tea catering business - Miss Havisham's Tea Caterers in Rochester, NY
1994 - I Am Wearing My Mother's Genes and They Are a Size Large, Rochester Shorts Literary Magazine, Rochester, NY (essay)
1992 – Writer, The Herald Examiner, Rochester, NY
1991 to 1992 - reporter for Suburban Circle Publications, Greece, NY
B.A. from Vermont College, Union Institute, concentration in Writing and Literature
1986 to 1987 – Certification in Paralegal Studies, American Paralegal Studies at St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY (certificate of scholarly distinction)
1984 to 1986 - Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY
1982 to 1993 - Elmira College, Elmira, NY and Brockport State, Rochester, NY